We are a collection of people exploring what it means to follow Jesus and to share his sacrificial love in Cheltenham. We seek his presence and purpose; we listen for his voice. Together, we are learning to live our faith; to bless and encourage each other and the people who live around us.
The ways we do this are informed by the ‘six practices’ of:
• Prayer
• Creativity
• Justice
• Hospitality
• Mission
• Learning
We are building a communal rhythm of prayer – forming habits, together, which broaden and deepen our interaction with God. We don’t consider ourselves ‘a church’ but rather we are an expression of ‘The Church’.
We were born out of the congregations of some Cheltenham churches, and we are woven together with them, as part of the same family. We share, and pursue alongside them, the vision to see ‘communities and places buzzing with the extraordinary presence of Jesus.’ We continue to see others join us from churches across Cheltenham and are excited to see what God has in store as we come together and pray.
In all of the above, we have taken significant inspiration from the 24-7 Prayer movement and were commissioned as a House of Prayer as part of the 24-7 Communities Network at The Gathering in October 2022. We hope to soon be a registered charity.