Prayer walking is a great way to get active in prayer, and is as simple as it sounds – you pray as you walk.
We set aside time regularly to pray over West Cheltenham. We're looking forward to Pray Cheltenham, which is taking place in May and June this year, as we look to join with Christians from churches across the town praying on and for every street..
Why not join us in praying for the area where you live or work, or simply have a heart for? Pray on your own while you're walking your dog, or take a deliberate half hour with a friend to walk your neighbourhood and pray God's blessing over it.
We love these five simple suggestions from 24-7 Prayer:
Agree a place and time to meet to start walking and talking to God together. Begin by explaining why you’ve gathered to pray and a few pointers for those who haven’t prayed this way before. If you’re going to split into smaller groups at any point, then agree a place and time to end together.
You can decide ahead of time where you’re going to go or you can simply ask the Holy Spirit to lead you as you walk. Just make sure you don’t get lost!
Jesus sent his disciples out in twos. It’s not intimidating or as conspicuous as a large group, and it is safer than people going on their own. A larger group breaking into pairs can also help to cover more ground.
Even (and especially) in areas that are considered ‘dark’ or ‘desperate’, pray blessings on the area. Focus on God’s plan, purpose and destiny for the place and the people that live there. "Your Kingdom come, your will be done..." is an excellent start.
If you’ve gone in different directions, meet up at the end to share what you’ve felt, seen, prayed and heard from God. And, if you can, keep a record of what you share so you can build on it next time.